RMAN: ORA-19504, ORA-27038 Errors During Backup when a Backupset is in Place

While using RMAN to backup a database, you received the following errors;

RMAN-07004:unhandled exception during command execution on channel c1
RMAN-10035:exception raised in RPC: ORA-19504: failed to create file
ORA-27038: skgfrcre: file exists
RMAN-10031: ORA-19624 occurred during call to


These errors occur because a backup file name already exists by the name 
specified in you backup script. For instance, if you are using the line 
"ALLOCATE CHANNEL C1 TYPDE DISKFORMAT '/oracle/database/rman/backup/df_%d_%p_%c';", df_%d_%p_%c" 
formats the backupstring like so;
- df_ is simply a name. This could be any set of characters. In this case it means database full.
- %d_ is the database sid.
- %p_is the backup piece number within the backup set.
- %c_ specifies the copy number of the backup piece within a set of duplexed backup pieces.

There needs to be a %U added to the format string. 

%U_ specifies a convenient shorthand that guarantees uniqueness in generated 
backup filenames. So, if the string were "db_%d_%U_%p_%c a unique name would 
be generated and it would not be necessary to either rename or move the backup 
file name prior to the next backu

at Saturday, March 17, 2012  


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